

Iaibatto jutsu


講師:正武塾所属 夕晟館館長 丹山登
講師:正武塾所属 夕晟館館長 丹山登
宮島 厳島神社奉納演武
宮島 厳島神社奉納演武
In November 1986, Soke (grandmaster) Mochizuki Takeshi Masatake received authorization from the third-generation headmaster and established the Shinto-ryu Iaibattojutsu, combining the art of Shinto-ryu Iaijutsu with Battojutsu. It drew from the foundations of Hasegawa Eishin-ryu, Omori-ryu, and Asayama Ichiden-ryu, incorporating techniques from Toyama-ryu and Nakamura-ryu. Later, it branched off from Shinto-ryu and was renamed the Shinto Seitōdenshō Watanabe-ryu.


  • 場所  夕晟館
  • 日時   日曜日午後3:00
  • 料金  月3,000円
  • 必携品  稽古衣、帯、模擬刀のち真剣



国際本部正武塾正師範 :望月武士正武
国際本部正武塾正師範 :望月武士正武
全国居合抜刀術選手権、全国試斬選手権、全国抜刀術選手権において、毎年のように個人総合優勝を飾り、その数優勝14回、準優勝4回。講道館柔道五段、浅山一傳流大崎派鎌術相伝、竹田一真流抜刀術印可、昭和天皇奥方の実兄にあたる国際武道院国際武道連盟総裁 大勲位 東久邇稔彦殿下より教士七段を授与された経歴を持つ居合抜刀術の第一人者として名高い望月武士正武先生の太刀筋は迅速かつ力強く、合理的な太刀捌きで実戦さながら迫力せまるものがあります。一生涯を居合に生きた望月先生は今までに多くの剣士を育て世界各地でその技術は受け継がれています。
Mochizuki Takeshi Masatake Sensei, a renowned expert in Iaibattojutsu, achieved numerous individual overall championships in the National Iaibattojutsu Championship, National TestCuttingChampionship, and National Battojutsu Championship year after year, with a total of 14 championships and 4 runner-up titles. He held the rank of 5th dan in Kodokan Judo, was a successor inAsayamaIchiden-ryu Kama Jutsu, received certification in Takeda Isshin-ryu Battojutsu And he held a record of receiving the rank of Shichidan (7th dan) from His Imperial Highness Prince NaruhikoHigashikuninomiya , who was the  of  the International Budoin International Budo Federation, Grand Cordon of the Order and, notably, the real brother of wife  of Emperor Showa. Mochizuki Takeshi Masatake Sensei's sword techniques were swift, powerful, and executed with practical precision, resembling real combat scenarios. Having dedicated his entire life to Iai, Sensei nurtured numerous martial artists, and his techniques have been passed down across the world.

He passed away on August 6th in the 4th year of Reiwa (2022).
  • 1980年8月1日 
    • 神刀流居合術渡辺派に入門
  • 1983年6月28日 
    • 戸山流 中村泰三郎師門下に入る
  • 1983年11月13日
    • 全国居合抜刀術選手権大会にて個人総合優勝
    • 法務大臣杯授与
  • 1986年11月1日
    • 神刀流居合術に抜刀術を併合させる
    • 日比野正春宗家より印可を授与
  • 1987年6月28日
    • 全国抜刀術選手権大会にて個人総合優勝
    • 通産大臣杯授与
  • 1989年1月25日
    • 国際総合文化武道学院オーストラリア・シドニー校設立
    • オーストラリア政府認可取得
Here is a brief summary of the career of Master Mochizuki Takeshi Masatake:

August 1, 1980: 
Entered the Shinto-ryu Iaijutsu under the Watanabe-ha branch.
June 28, 1983: 
Became a student of Toyama-ryu under Nakamura Taisaburo.
November 13, 1983: 
Achieved individual overall championship at the National Iaibattojutsu Championship and received the Minister of Justice's Cup.
November 1, 1986: 
Integrated battojutsu into Shinto-ryu Iaijutsu and received authorization from the Hibino Masaharu Soke.
June 28, 1987: 
Achieved individual overall championship at the National Battojutsu Championship and received the Minister of International Trade and Industry's Cup.
January 25, 1989: 
Established the International Comprehensive Cultural Budo Academy - Sydney Branch in Australia, obtaining recognition from the Australian government.

Master Mochizuki Takeshi Masatake's career achievements in Iaibattojutsu are notable, including his championship titles and contributions to the spread of these martial arts in Australia.